Synopsis Film Justice League: Throne of Atlantis (2015):
In the aftermath of Justice League: War, the world is at peace or so it seems. When Atlantis attacks the Metropolis for the death of their king. But the Queen has different plans and requires the Justice League to find her lost son. But while they search for him, Atlantian troops; lead by Ocean Master, continue their assault. Who will win?
In the aftermath of Justice League: War, the world is at peace or so it seems. When Atlantis attacks the Metropolis for the death of their king. But the Queen has different plans and requires the Justice League to find her lost son. But while they search for him, Atlantian troops; lead by Ocean Master, continue their assault. Who will win?
Release Date: 27 January 2015 (USA)
Genre: Animation | Action
Stars: Sean Astin, Steve Blum, Rosario Dawson
Quality: WEB_DL
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
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